A conviction for domestic violence in California carries severe long-term consequences that extend far beyond the courtroom. Such a conviction becomes a permanent part of your criminal record, potentially affecting every aspect of your future—from employment opportunities to personal relationships. At the Law Offices of Arash Hashemi, we understand the gravity of these charges and specialize in aggressive defense strategies to mitigate these impacts. Our deep understanding of California law and our proven track record in handling domestic violence cases equip us to help our clients navigate these challenging circumstances effectively. If you’re facing domestic violence charges, don’t hesitate to contact us at (310) 448-1529 for a consultation to protect your rights and future.





    Employment Consequences

    • Background Checks: Many employers perform criminal background checks before hiring. A domestic violence mark can disqualify you from certain jobs, especially those requiring a high degree of trust.
    • Restricted Job Types: Jobs in education, healthcare, law enforcement, and any role involving care of vulnerable individuals may be off-limits if you have a domestic violence conviction.
    • General Employment: Even outside of sensitive positions, employers may be wary of hiring someone with a history of violence for roles in retail, corporate environments, or service industries.

    Professional Licensing Impact

    Obtaining professional licenses can be challenging with a domestic violence conviction:

    • Healthcare and Education: Licensing boards in these fields scrutinize applicants’ criminal histories. A conviction can prevent you from receiving medical, teaching, or nursing licenses.
    • Legal Field: Aspiring lawyers may find their path barred by character and fitness reviews that flag domestic violence convictions.
    • Impact on Current Professionals: If you are already licensed in these professions, a conviction might lead to suspension or revocation of your license.

    Firearm Ownership Restrictions

    • Federal Law: Under the Lautenberg Amendment to the Gun Control Act of 1968, anyone convicted of a misdemeanor or felony domestic violence offense is permanently banned from owning or purchasing firearms.
    • California Law: California law also prohibits individuals convicted of domestic violence crimes from possessing guns. This includes a 10-year ban for misdemeanor domestic violence convictions and a lifetime ban for felonies.

    Immigration Consequences

    For non-citizens, the repercussions of a domestic violence conviction can be particularly severe, impacting their legal status in the United States:

    • Deportation Risks: Domestic violence convictions can lead to deportation proceedings against non-citizens, regardless of their residency status.
    • Naturalization Issues: Convictions can hinder the naturalization process, as demonstrating good moral character is a requirement for citizenship.
    • Visa Renewals and Adjustments: A domestic violence conviction may affect visa renewals, green card adjustments, and other immigration processes.

    Social and Housing Challenges

    • Community Perception: Individuals with a domestic violence record may face social stigma and decreased trust within their communities, which can strain personal and professional relationships.
    • Housing Difficulties: Many landlords conduct background checks on potential tenants. A record of domestic violence can lead to denial of rental applications, significantly limiting housing options.

    Record Expungement and Sealing

    • Eligibility for Expungement: Individuals convicted of either misdemeanor or felony domestic violence can seek expungement if they have completed their probation, paid all fines, attended all required courses, and have not committed any new crimes.
    • Process: To begin, a petition must be filed in the court where the conviction occurred. The court then reviews the case details and decides whether to grant the expungement based on the individual’s behavior post-conviction and the nature of the offense.
    • Limitations: Expungement does not erase the criminal record completely. For instance, the conviction can still affect sentencing in future offenses and is still relevant for gun ownership restrictions.
    • Sealing Records: Unlike expungement, sealing is typically not available for adult domestic violence convictions in California. Juvenile records, however, can be sealed, effectively hiding them from public view.

    Speak With a Los Angeles Domestic Violence Defense Attorney

    For personalized legal support and to learn more about how we can help you manage the impacts of a domestic violence charge, schedule a consultation with our team. We are conveniently located in the Westside Towers in Los Angeles, just minutes away from Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, and Westwood, near the Expo/Bundy Station. Our flexible scheduling includes weekend appointments to accommodate your needs.

    Contact Us:





      11845 W Olympic Blvd #520, Los Angeles, CA 90064

      Monday—Friday 8:30AM–5:00PM

      (310) 448-1529